Augmented Reality Capstone Plan Literature Review
This is a summary of what themes will be used in this project. Augmented Reality Capstone Plan Literature Review.
This post reflects outlined themes that will be presented to the project audience.
Update 5/3/2021 –
Augmented Reality Based dot com, – links are being added over time.
Theme one example completed.
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Theme one
How may AR affect learner outcomes? From and education view the response includes…
- Exploring the claimed areas including enhancing learning achievement, motivation, satisfaction, confidence, and spatial ability.
- Research into how student attitude was affected, cognitive load and understanding.
One study, Harley, Poitras, Jarrell, Duffy, and Lajoie, 2016, found participants’ emotions influenced outcomes during their ‘underpowered’ experiment (Harley et al., 2016).
Our comment in this research….
The researchers were not concerned about generalizing to other populations in this article.
With this example from the article.
Total participants totaled thirty-one students limited from one North American university.
Further details can be found here.

Theme two
How may AR affect pedagogical contributions such as enjoyment, level of engagement, interest for the student?
- Explore collaborative opportunities, communication between student and professor.
- Other contributors include self-learning, physical and virtual worlds, actually learn by doing, ‘student-centered technology’, ‘multisensory learning’, and ‘instant information retrieval.
Furthermore, Chang, Chang, Hou, Sung, Chao, and Lee, 2014, found AR increases learning interest (Chang et al., 2014).
This example provided research to pedagogical contributions.
Theme three
How may AR affect interaction by exploring opportunities for a student to student collaboration?
- In this theme, we will explore interactions for the student to the material as well as between student and teacher.
Furthermore, one study Kamarainen, Metcalf, Grotzer, Browne, Mazzuca, Tutwiler, and Dede, 2013, found AR technology promotes more interaction among students (Kamarainen et al., 2013).
This is approximately 8 years ago which is a typical article found in 2018 (then time of research). More archival with relevance to that point in time.
Understanding these two sub-themes and exploring the interaction between student teacher will be researched.
Theme four
How may AR affect other issues including, visualization of invisible concepts, abstract concepts, and events?
- Ease of use for students and how AR affects laboratory material cost. Furthermore, according to Wu, Lee, Chang, and Liang, 2013, found AR helps learners visualize abstract concepts (Wu et al., 2013).
The two remaining sub-themes ‘abstract concepts’ and ‘events’ will be researched along with any additional ‘other’ category.
Chang, K., Chang, C., Hou, H., Sung, Y., Chao, H., & Lee, C. (2014). Development and behavioral pattern analysis of a mobile guide system with augmented reality for painting appreciation instruction in an art museum. Computers & Education, 71, 185-197.
Harley, J., Poitras, E., Jarrell, A., Duffy, M., & Lajoie, S. (2016). Comparing virtual and location-based augmented reality mobile learning: Emotions and learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research & Development, 64(3), 359-388.
Kamarainen, A. M., Metcalf, S., Grotzer, T., Browne, A., Mazzuca, D., Tutwiler, M. S., & Dede, C. (2013). EcoMOBILE: Integrating augmented reality and probeware with environmental education field trips. Computers & Education, 68, 545-556.
Wu, H., Lee, S. W., Chang, H., & Liang, J. (2013). Current status, opportunities and challenges of augmented reality in education. Computers & Education, 62, 41-49.
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