Operating System privacy and security issues
You may or may not know that operating systems have built-in safety features, such as a firewall, antivirus, antimalware claimed protection. There are numerous brands and types of systems in the marketplace. Popular operating systems include Windows, iOS 11, and Linux machines. Mobile Device systems include iOS and Android to name two. iOS 11.1 now exists. Operating System privacy and security issues.

Further privacy and security issues exist with utilizing or non-utilizing of host-based security products offered by McAfee, Symantec, and Sophos. Furthermore, several systems include overlapping security features such as a native firewall. Alternately, this can be disabled in an attempt to standardize system functions.
In higher risk environments, several issues include the usage or non-usage enforcing software restriction policies, screen lock timers, and auto shutdowns. Also, AutoRun and Autoplay functions are often set to enabled. Consequently, any software can run on an enabled system.
Next, mobile devices and data recovery of operating systems. These concerns include when personal devices are monitored by the organization. One solution includes utilizing Mobile Device Management software. Furthermore, data recovery, taking a regular copy of the latest system image as a backup, precautionary measure.
Operating System privacy and security issues
For the purposes of this discussion, simple action to overcome issues can save time and money. One example, keep your operating system up to date all the time. Any utilizer can set up and automatically patch systems regularly. Furthermore, consider an overnight updating schedule, set on a regular basis, to maximize efficiency and reduce personal downtime/frustrations. Also, another simple tip or proactive habit stands to always utilize strong passphrases versus passwords. Next, fixes for those advanced issues.
Another issue, include disabling unnecessary services, by seeking recommendations from the vendor or industry standards. Research by (Muniz, McIntyre, & AlFarden, 2015) found several recommendations include stated offline files, NAP agent, parent controls (Windows), smart card removal, Media Center schedule services (Windows), fax, file, and printer sharing and others. However, a home or business network, likely not all will apply. Also, suggested was disable AutoRun and Autoplay functions.
Another advanced issue, remove unutilized executable and registry entries and mobile devices. Hackers can utilize these files to gain access. Apply restrictions to file permissions, services and endpoints and Registry. Furthermore, mobile devices, utilize MDM products to enforce VPN stays enabled, verifying applications, managing security, including password, time, locating devices, and wiping. Other alternatives include sandboxed portals or Access control can limit certain devices to certain specific data sources.
Operating System privacy and security issues
Here are a few less technical and money saving ideas to overcome budget restraints. Purchase and maintain risk needs antivirus, antimalware products. Most personal utilizers can download free versions of the software. Consequently, the risk stands you are not provided with the latest patch, versus waiting a week or two using the free edition. In addition, CNet.com provides reviews and links to downloads of popular free software for Windows utilizers. Other systems are covered there too.
Last, the biggest security and privacy issue remains preventing loss of data. Back up your systems. Your operating system offers a free service for you. One often overlooked key issue, in data recovery must also include a system image to replace any broken file(s) on any device. Backup your files, including your operating system regularly. For further details on other operating issues, an example Fisher (2017) illustrates How to Repair Windows, or visit LifeWire.com.
AlFardan, Joseph Muniz Gary McIntyre Nadhem. (2015). Security operations center. [electronic resource] : Building, operating, and maintaining your SOC S.l.] : Cisco Press, 2015. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat00456a&AN=ua.4435846&site=ehost-live http://libdata.lib.ua.edu/login?url=http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/9780134052083
Fisher, T. (2017, October 5). Operating System Operating system definition & examples of operating systems in use today. Retrieved from Lifewire.com: https://www.lifewire.com/operating-systems-2625912
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