Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Using Games

Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Using Games

Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Using Games

Nowadays, people are being innovative when it comes to learning and sharing the knowledge that we have in school. Aside from the usual ways that still work, including participative discussions, traditional methods such as books and visual aids.

Additional innovations using technology, including multimedia presentations and internet information, with more strategies in teaching various subjects, especially difficult and complex subjects namely Physics. Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Using Games.

Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Using Games
Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Image credit Pixabay

With its vast yet technical subject matters, theories and concepts, it is not shocking to know that Physics has been one of the dreading subjects a student can encounter. For most of the students, it is boring, not interesting and complicated to tackle. Yet, it is still important to learn and study about this since of the fact that everything involves Physics, the existence of sounds, lights and other natural phenomena in our day-to-day living.

That is why for the teachers, it is an everyday challenge to ensure that their students love this subject despite its technicalities. To bring interest back to this subject teacher’s used different methods and techniques. One of these strategies includes adding

Physics and ICT

According to research, one of the main reasons why students lack interest in studying Physics is the longstanding style teaching methods of the teachers- teaching by mainly discussing the topics. One of the effective ways to gain the attention of the students is to create participation, and one way of establishing a participative atmosphere is to introduce new and innovative methods,  information and communication technology (ICT) materials.

With these latest techniques, teachers will not just provide information about concepts and theories in Physics, but it can also help their students to identify and integrate these concepts in their daily living. With various ICT modes available, students will be able to focus on Physics and even on other subjects using the games.

The Good Side of Using Games in Learning Physics

In continuous researches, scientists were somehow able to identify some of the features that make younger generations become so hooked on playing games, using them as an alternative in the classroom setting: the existence of the challenge, inquisitiveness and being imaginary.

The existence of incorporating games in providing awareness and information is efficient. Here are some of the various reasons why putting games while learning, especially in Physics is beneficial to both of the teachers and students:

  1. Playing games can enhance motivation.

The notion of every game makes a player more motivated to continue playing the game, therefore boosting their interests in the subject matter. Being motivated means they will be more eager to learn more about the dynamics of the subject and also, aiming to have the best results.

  1. They can invite the learners in an engaging scenario.

Especially the virtual reality games, it can take the players in a virtual situation where they can use their learned skills and expertise in solving problems. The closer the scenario is, the better they will be able to use what they learn in everyday settings.

  1. Some games create strategy simulators.

Most of the games require to unleash the ability to solve problems and to decide which is better. Using various strategies, students can be able to use and make the most of their memory to solve.

  1. Learning through games help to gain and consolidate new knowledge.

Aside from improving the memory and skills of the student, applying games in studying and learning Physics can gain new knowledge too. In addition, this new knowledge can be consolidated with the stocked knowledge students have and this will be a new and better earning for them.

Classroom Games that can be Applied to Physics

One of the best ways to study Physics is to learn using hands-on games. In fact, there are numerous games that are designed to help teach Physics in the classroom. Here is a list of the games for teaching and learning the various concepts and theories in Physics:

Introducing Basic Physics Concepts Using Games

Atomic Theory

Games similar to the “Elegant Universe” can help introduce student topics about string theory basics. In addition, building models, Carbon 60 molecule helps to inform students about the concept of half-life and how can it be used to identify the age of certain materials.


An important matter to be discussed in Physics, focused especially to younger students is through encouraging them to research about alternative fuel methods and technologies and innovations in decreasing the carbon footprint.

Forces and Gravity

These are other Physics topics that can be learned better through interactive ways. Building models of avalanches and structures, a model of bungee jump through egg are some of the great ways to discuss more about gravity. For higher years, changes in volume and density, introduced by using a balloon and aluminum foil models.

Simple Machines

Using bricks with skewers and the working model of Trebuchet can both aid in introducing the concept of levers. Different pulleys, meanwhile, can help students learn more about the use of pulleys.

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