Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking Receipt of Material

Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking


Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking Material

File-naming convention has to be developed and maintained across each project’s structure. Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking Material

Moreover, the location of files and folders need to be accessible to team members throughout the life of the project.

Tracking project materials are critical in multimedia as there can be many digital pieces.

Revised May 2, 2021.

Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking Receipt of Material
Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking Receipt of Material

The second tracking element is version control.

Software like Sharepoint automatically monitors and archives by saving the old file, renaming it, based on version, author and date.

Consequently, editors must checkout the latest rendition when work is in progress and returned.

Before this type of software folders and file names include six digit date blocks, underscores, and adding authors initials.

Here was a response to the example post.

You make a great point regarding version control.

You are right, Sharepoint does use and store the latest version once someone makes changes to it.

I think that the only downside to the latest version concept in some of these cloud storage softwares is going to be that any previous work has been replaced so better be sure that you are ready to replace it with good content.

Personally, I am always so nervous to replace over someone else’s work, but I suppose in a project completion atmosphere, this challenge doesn’t come up.

Designing And Producing Multimedia: Tracking Receipt of Material

Gary Black

Graduated with Masters's degree in Science. My majors included technology and human environments.
I write to discover what I know.
Follow your dreams or someone will make you work for theirs.

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