How Augmented Reality Affect Student Collaboration
This is our theme three, information and our reflections on Augmented Reality (AR). Read about How Augmented Reality Affect Student Collaboration.

Collaboration – one definition – the action of working with someone to produce or create something.
In this theme, we will explore interactions for the student to the material as well as between student and teacher.
One study Kamarainen, Metcalf, Grotzer, Browne, Mazzuca, Tutwiler, & Dede, 2013, another researcher found AR technology promotes more interaction among students (2013).
Introducing the new technology (AR) and deployment resulted in expanded practices among student to student as well as student to teacher.
Furthermore, in their study they used 14 questions – student post questionnaire study results gained was claimed by researchers.
Teachers reported that their students had a better understanding using AR and their smartphones.
Another recent literature review by Akcayir and Akcayir (2016) reported studies totaling 8 covering student-student, student material, and student teacher AR technology promotes more interaction Kamarainen et al., 2013, learning by doing, increasing local conversations between teacher and students.
Understanding these two sub-themes and exploring the interaction between student teacher will be further researched.