Learning Skills For Students and Adult Learners read

Learning Skills For Students and Adult Learners read

Learning Skills For Students and Adult Learners read

This information outlines elements for students (of any age) should consider as part of their own development. We list several Learning Skills For Students and Adult Learners read.

Learning Skills For Students and Adult Learners read
Learning Skills For Students and Adult Learners read


We all learn in different ways and have preferences for how we tackle new experiences.  As a new student regardless of your age, it is important to understand the learning cycle, and how you progress can help explain how to deal with issues, people and situations. An example of inventory can be found by taking the Kolb Learning Style Inventory using the LSI workbook offered by the HayGroup. There are four basic strengths for each learning style.

Accommodating has strength in getting things done, leading, taking risks, initiating, being adaptable and using best practice.

Diverging strengths include being imaginative, understanding people, recognizing problems, brainstorming, and being open minded.

Converging strengths include solving problems, making decisions, reasoning, defining problems, and being logical.

Assimilating strengths include planning, creating models, defining problems, developing theories, and being patient!

Kolb provide different tips for strengthening and developing each type. Offering general tips in areas such as solving problems, working in teams, resolving conflict, communicating at work and home. Being a parent, managing money, considering a career.

Other element to consider include the following:-

Time management is self management.

It is a continuing lifelong process of discovery and experimentation as an individual or group.

Do you plan sufficient daily time to study to meet course demands?

I do my class assignments on time so things do not pile up on me.

Listen and take notes

Hearing is part of the learning process, take notes during a class lecture as the instructor will likely provide gems of information that will be in a test.

Reading and study improvement elements

Read your resource(s) and instructor notes carefully. Highlighting and making notes as you study helps find key points in any research article. Study improvement elements is to learn in your own style, taking time to understand the material and using techniques to help reduce anxiety require practice. Try and build an interest in the subject. Learning and accomplishing this type of self-discipline is rewarding in and of itself.

Concentration and building strong memory

Concentration is focusing on one thing only for an optimum time and eliminating distractions completely. Find concentration exercises to practice.

Use different techniques, finding a method that works for you, and practice. Finding a quiet place that you can use to study and concentrate is ideal. Have all your resources ready before you commence studying. Plan ahead, when to study and your priority list.

Preparing for and taking exams.

Always evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses in preparing for an exam.

Do you plan ahead by studying early of an exam?

A few days before the exam I organize my materials for review.

Know what the instructor is emphasizing and what you are expected to know.

Organizing and writing academic papers.

Being organized takes some preparation. Locate all your resources and plan a schedule using the calendar, allowing extra time for any unplanned events that come along from time to time. Working backwards from the deadline, add down time and divide the work into manageable chunks.

Read and re-read the instructors notes about the type of paper they want you to use. There are different types of papers, format, font size, spacing and length of the paper. Usually most papers follow a simple format which includes an introduction, the body of the paper, including topic sentences for each paragraph and your conclusion. A reference page is often required to support your research. Your school instructor should offer you a reference point as to local resources available to students. One good resource is Owl Purdue

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