Project Name: Capstone Interactive Website Augmented Reality Review
This project will add extra pages, posts, and multimedia to this website which is jointly owned. The plan encompasses adding material featuring Augmented Reality (AR) to showcase this project and others completed.
Use standard graphic organizer for this project.
Tag assigned #MVCAR
Project overview mission statement from client – watch
Understand communication and team management in the Project Management Life Cycle.
The Year 2018.
Image shows Activities planned for the project. Resources and status change over the project. Early analysis of the project conducted in the first eight days.
Progress and reviews to be undertaken every week or as deemed necessary by team and project leader.
Stakeholders – wife and myself, for this project – the four reviewers and the professor.
Unnecessary Stakeholders – none apparent.
Develop a basic plan for the creation of the project. The plan should include:
The homepage consists of one page and a brief introduction. Expanded to a full introduction and six posts currently 3/1/2018.
Updated March 19, 2018
Themes cover four items – page posted with content to date. 2/27/2018. complete
Blog, interactive posts, and information. In progress! SEE BELOW Complete 3/19/2018
Workspace to satisfy project requirements and archival benefits. Complete 3/21/2018.
Other – undefined at present.
Previous project – re-launch this site Summer 2017 WIKI (opens in new tab)
Link to interactive plan is here pw ‘mvc’
In this section, identify any anticipated challenges you can identify at this point.
At this point, the only anticipated challenges include finding suitable Internal and External reviewers with a specialty in education based AR. Three confirmed 2/2/2018.
None apparent. I have access to all specialized tools and existing website to develop this project.
Theme – one. How may AR affect learner outcomes? This review will explore the claims to enhancing learning achievement, motivation, satisfaction, confidence, and spatial ability.
Theme – two. How may AR affect pedagogical contributions such as enjoyment, level of engagement, interest for the student? Added page 2/28/2018
Theme – three. How may AR affect interaction by exploring opportunities for a student to student collaboration? In this theme, we will explore interactions for student access to material and interactions between student and teacher. Added page 3/1/2018
Themes – four. How may AR affect other issues including, abstract concepts, visualization of invisible concepts, and events? Ease of use for students and how AR affects laboratory material cost.
Use for individual posts relating to the subject specifically for the audience of choice. The audience could include college education students, business-oriented individuals, and others.
Added an example case study – US-based Principal candidate student study.
Use for individual posts relating to the revenues for the audience of choice. The audience could include college education students, business-oriented individuals, and others.
Domain Names currently for sale – Buy your own domain from GoDaddy or any other registrant.
Not disclosed due to privacy issues 3/19/2018
If your project includes the use of any specialized tools, list and describes those.
All these tools are currently in my personal/business inventories.
Camtasia 8 – video creating software tools.
WordPress CSM includes open source and specialty third-party tools. One example is SEO application and tools included.
Website Theme – tools control styling, layouts, and specific issues.
Hosting – tools to control server and applications, maintenance, reports, and analysis.
PowToon – video animation tools. Contemplated for the project but will use sometime in the future! – ‘Canva’ design program for storyboarding and other work. Completed 3/19/2018
This is an example set up for development purposes only. Marketing organic growth on a website outlining audience, product, and process.
Storyboard Link – design story to present output, layout, text and imagery drafts for the project. See above marketing storyboard. 3/1/2018!
Update Google Slides – modified January 22, 2018. Modify additional slide(s) as the project develops over timeframe allocated.
Web pages – outline themes for augmented reality (AR)
Blog – Seven posts added. More to come.
Pages – more ‘permanent information’ placed on draft pages.
– Workspace (ALT to this wiki) – for future reference and easier access.
– Theme pages – One of four included in the 582 plan. Add summaries under page heading. Expand to separate posts if needed.
– Augmented Reality Learner Outcomes Theme (Add Link)
– Audience Target page flips – Adult students, Adult Instructors/Educators, Business Adults, and Other.
The idea is to express this material towards different target audiences.
– Revenue page – list subscription information
– Domain Names available – AR Names
– Offer domain ideas
Smith_How to Choose the Best Social Media Channels for Your Business PDF link 3/1/2018. Completed
Beta designed website for presentation to client March 31, 2018.
Search Engine Optimization image February 27, 2018
Score 84 – 100 issues remain. In general terms, a score above 80 is above average from research held.
Source link (this may expire over time) the main source is without url extension.
Latest report dated 03/19/2018 – improved 2 points!
The second search focused on speed test February 2, 2018. In general 90 or above is very good but this can fluctuate through the day at any given time. The test runs from Vancouver, Canada back to the sites main server.
Varies to time of day – 3/1/2018 After 7 pm – Result in A 97 Yslow B 87
Updated 3/17/2018 – for the overall site – noted improvements in sectors listed!
The final test was from Google development and the reports both the desktop version to the mobile site performances. Green on both is very good.