How Augmented Reality Visually Supports Students

How Augmented Reality Visually Supports Students

The fourth theme in our AR Value series is how Augmented Reality Visually Supports Students.

How Augmented Reality Visually Supports Students
How Augmented Reality Visually Supports Students Credit Pixabay

Visualization of invisible concepts, abstract concepts, and events. How Augmented Reality Visually Supports Students

Ease of use for students and how AR affects laboratory material cost.

Augmented Reality Learner Outcomes Theme

Furthermore, Wu, Lee, Chang, & Liang, found AR helps learners visualize abstract concepts (2013).

The two remaining sub-themes, ‘abstract concepts’ and ‘events,’ will be researched along with any additional ‘other’ category.

AR is used for superimposing images onto physical environments as virtual objects and information. This helps learners to visualize abstract concepts or invisible phenomena. Examples include electron movements or magnetic fields (Wu et al., 2013)

One important issue revealed in research by Akcayir and Akcayir (2016) was a notable gap focused on ‘special needs students’.

Over 40 Augmented Reality Apps for the Classroom