If you are a graduating student, a new worker, or returning to the workforce here are some critical ideas. Helpful Strategies For Employment In Digital Work.
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Leading managers of people and businesses are looking for skilled workers and can not find them.
Furthermore, many online applications contain perfect details of the candidate sought with the preferred qualifications.
However, not every vacancy is filled with the perfect candidate.
How do you do that?
Make yourself a skills inventory to supplement your resume.
A skills inventory is a list of actual skills you have acquired or a working to acquire. The following is an example of a skills inventory in a digital workplace.
Rate yourself against each skill. For example, rate yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or an expert level in the skill taxonomy or communication spectrum.
Here are examples from each taxonomy in a digital workplace
- Creating – designing, constructing, planning, producing, and inventing skills.
- Evaluating – checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging skills.
- Analyzing – comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing skills.
- Applying – implementing, carry out, using, executing, running skills.
- Understanding – interpreting, summarizing, inferring, classifying skills.
- Remembering – recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving skills.
All the above verbs are part of the higher-order thinking skills as described in Bloom’s Taxonomy which you can research further.
Moreover, these taxonomies can be useful in the communication spectrum in roles such as
collaborating, moderating, negotiating, commenting, video conferencing, reviewing, and even posting online.
The above example is not exhaustive in the use of verbs or taxonomies in the communication spectrum.
Furthermore, research the information yourself by searching the details for an expanded result.
Moreover, in your application letter claim your skills level or state areas you are working on.
Provide details with explicit information or commit to undertaking extra training in the role to satisfy the application.
In conclusion, at an interview support your time and claims with a list of skills as outlined for discussion data points.
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