A systems request is a formal way of asking for IT support. Read about Strategic Management – Reasons Systems Projects below.
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Improved Service
Better Performance
More Information
Stronger Controls
Encryption is a coding of data to keep it safe from unauthorized users.
Biometric Devices identify a person by a retina scan or by mapping a facial pattern.
Reduced Cost
Strategic Management – Reasons Systems Projects
Internal Factors include strategic plan, top managers, user requests, information technology department, and existing systems.
External Factors include technology, suppliers, customers, competitors, the economy, and government.
Just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems rely on computer-to-computer data exchange to minimize unnecessary inventory. Motor vehicle manufacturers rely on these systems.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integrates all customer-related events and transactions.
Competition drives many information systems decisions. The marketplace drives most decisions.
Economic activity has a powerful influence on corporate information management.
Federal, state, and local government regulations affect the design of corporate information systems. Taxes, fees and other collectibles are legislated into laws.
All IT projects, large and small, must be managed and controlled.
Project management begins with a systems request, and continues until the project is completed or terminated.
Systems review committee/Computer resources committee-a group of key managers and users whose objective is to use their combined judgment and experience to evaluate systems projects.
A properly designed form streamlines the request process and ensures consistency.
Most large companies use a systems review committee to evaluate systems requests.
A committee approach provides a variety of experience and knowledge.
A committee offers many advantages, some disadvantages exist.
Action on requests must wait until the committee meets.
Another potential disadvantage is that members might favor projects requested by their own departments, and internal and political differences could delay important decisions.
Many smaller companies rely on one person to evaluate system requests instead of a committee.
Whether one person or a committee is responsible, the goal is to evaluate the requests and set priorities.
Strategic Management – Reasons Systems Projects
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