Adult Learning

Got You Covered! My Virtual Classes watch video

Got You Covered! My Virtual Classes watch video


Here is a list of current subjects on the site and a short promotional video made using Got You Covered! My Virtual Classes watch video

Updated today.

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Adult Learning – Got You Covered! My Virtual Classes watch video

Augmented Reality AR Capstone  A specific look into the subject of Augmented Reality in Higher Education settings, college classes, universities, highly trained workers in several different fields. Articles specifically were searched/reviewed between 2015 – 2018 (Jan – March).
Arts and Humanities
This is the category for Arts and Humanities, US History, Grammar, World History
Children Children
This category is for children 4 years – 12 years of age. Covering educational subjects such as math, spelling, language and other materials.
All Computer category items and posts can be found here.
Computer Science is a broad subject. We try and break it down for you as a new student, of any age to understand some of the specific roles and learning that can support your career in using technology.
Dyslexia What is Dyslexia?
It is a language-based learning disability. It refers to a cluster of symptoms, which result in people having difficulties with specific language skills, particularly reading. Students with dyslexia usually experience difficulties with other language skills such as spelling, writing, and pronouncing words.

Frequently Asked Questions About DyslexiaIt affects individuals throughout their lives; however, its impact can change at different stages in a person’s life.

It is referred to as a learning disability because dyslexia can make it very difficult for a student to succeed academically in the typical instructional environment, and in its more severe forms, will qualify a student for special education, special accommodations, or extra support services.

Graduate Classes
Interactive Technology offers asynchronous, focused on computer-mediated communications as part of the Master’s Degree in General Human Environmental Sciences Graduate Classes.

Students work with professors in adapting course projects to a particular profession.

The focus is on how individuals and organizations interact with technology and might be described as “the difference between doing work and going to work” reflecting the computer-mediated nature of the program.

— Delivery Coordination of Digital Technology
Delivery Coordination of Digital Technology.
An ever-growing range of options is available for delivering information via digital technologies, including web-based tutorials, online courses, video conferencing, multimedia presentations, computer-assisted instruction delivered over a network or at a free-standing machine, and, using wireless, handheld devices.

Therefore, the tools needed to coordinate these technologies will be addressed from the viewpoint of the developer and content manager.

College Math
College Math Algebra includes classes and notes for students who need remedial math. Here is a selection of lessons available from Instructor Kim Scott. College Math  with Kim Scott

Contact Mrs. Kim Scott via email here
College 090
College 098

Math by Subject
Here are all our posts on the category Math by subject
— Math 090
Math 090

Here is some class Lecture Outlines for your use in studying the subjects listed below.

Math 090 with Kim Scott

— Math 098
Math 098 with Kim Scott
Here is some class Lecture Outlines for your use in studying the subjects listed below. Math 098 with Kim Scott
Select Privacy and Security Privacy and Security
Science Watch science videos and learn new insights from this source. Topics include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Questions and more. SciShow – YouTube Channel Explores Science
— Database
— Physics
Small Business
— Computer Basics
US Government Politics
This is a category for US Government Politics


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